Marc and I went to Provo last weekend to visit our good friends Janica and Eric and their sweet little newborn baby boy Bennett. It was so great to be with them! Bennett is so cute;) We had fun eating subway, macey's ice cream cones, and going to a park with them. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! We also made a stop by Cabela's. This store is awesome! It was my first time experiencing the absolute outdoor store of all time, and I loved it! My favorite part was certainly the ginormous fish tanks! They weren't filled with the usual exotic cool looking fish, but with even better fish from Utah! All sorts of trout, bass, catfish, perch, bluegill, etc. We really enjoyed ourselves here, it's like a museum!
29 May 2008
Visiting Bennett
Posted by katherine purser at 4:22 PM 1 comments
28 May 2008
So, we've been seeing owls lately here at the mortuary. This is the first sighting on Richard and Rachel's back steps. Last night we watched them for a good half hour or more outside our window. They were in the big trees and eating something in the garden, it's really fascinating to watch them!
Posted by katherine purser at 6:42 PM 2 comments
27 May 2008
Happy Birthday Roxy!
On memorial day we celebrated Roxy's birthday (my sisters dog) with cupcakes and ice cream, it was so delicious and fun to be with the fam! Here are a few pics of my little friends:)
Posted by katherine purser at 5:14 PM 0 comments
26 May 2008
I looked out the window and what did I see?
So many flowers people brought for me! We looked out our window and we saw flowers upon flowers people brought us and decorated our lawn with! It was so wonderful, it lasted three days! Our whole yard was full of beautiful varieties of flowers, mostly mums. People also left us flags...Or perhaps they weren't really all for us, just most of them...:)
Posted by katherine purser at 5:03 PM 1 comments
17 May 2008
We went fishing to Schofield Resevoir with Papa Jeff, Dave, Rob, Nat, and their three little ones. It was very warm and I got fried! :( Marc and I didn't do so hot with catching fish, but my dad and Dave sure did! They caught six together and were kind enough to share them for a delicious feast! Mmm. Nothing like being back on the lake... This is Jayne reeling in the biggest fish of the day, way to go girl! She was awesome!
Papa Jeff, Jayne, and Jeffrey after another big catch...
The three amigos...Jayne, Isaac, and Jeffrey
This catch was the first for the day, and boy was it a good one. As you can see below, Papa Jeff was quietly resting on the side of the bank with his pole propped and ready for a bite. Me, Dave and Marc were about 20 yards from my dad when we saw his pole bouncing like crazy. We all starting yelling "Jeff, Jeff, Jeff!" No response. We continued yelling while Marc runs over to his pole and begins reeling in the fish. Still no response, Marc is just about kicking Papa Jeff when he awakes in alarm in total confusion. Needless to say, it was hilarious!
Posted by katherine purser at 6:48 PM 0 comments
12 May 2008
The Cave...
We moved out of "the cave" and into a much larger, much nicer apartment within the walls of the mortuary. Our former apartment was referred to as "the cave" for a number of reasons: 1) the ceilings were not very high, at all. They were about one inch above Marc's head (he's 6' 3"). 2) This picture is the view from the kitchen into the bedroom. There are pantry looking doors in the kitchen that would make you believe that there is a pantry behind those pantry looking doors, but much to a big surprise, it leads to the bedroom. The bedroom ceiling is, believe it or not, shorter than the rest of the aparment. Our first sunday living here, Marc had his dress shoes on in the bedroom and looks and me with his neck kinked and says "I think these shoes make me a little taller." I should've taken more pics of this lovely abode, but the move was rather sudden. We certainly did enjoy our stay while in "the cave", but we very much enjoy our stay here in the large kitchen apartment....although we do miss our bathroom...
Posted by katherine purser at 7:13 PM 1 comments
02 May 2008
I went to Shelli, Keri, and Jessica's graduation on May 2nd. It was certainly a bitter sweet moment. Bitter because they won't be there next fall when I return for my last semester and sweet because it's awesome they've graduated! Way to go! I feel like I should've been there with them walking across that stage...only seven more months. Thanks to Keri we went to Maddox after graduation and had a delicious feast in celebration with the grads families and me and Marc. They are so awesome to include me in all the graduation celebrating, as if I graduated too, thanks girls! We had a blast this past semester with some good times I'll always cherish. I'm sure gonna miss you girls at school next fall! You best be comin to visit me in the lab and in aerobics classes! :)
Posted by katherine purser at 7:25 PM 2 comments
01 May 2008
8 down, 1 to go!
The semester is finally over! Woohoo! I finished last week thursday and anxiously waited for Marc to finish last night! It sure is a great relief! I have 8 semesters behind me and only one more till I graduate, I am very excited! This semester was certainly one of my best ones, and not so much for Marc. I suppose it's better we didn't have our uglier semesters the same time. Marc will have a short break till summer classes start :( We are looking forward to the summer full of vacations and seeing family!
Posted by katherine purser at 4:01 PM 3 comments