25 June 2008
18 June 2008
the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!
Larissa, Tanica, Jill, Me, Alyssa
Tricia, Lexi, Me, Jill, Holly, Alyssa
Paint crew 2008 is great, great, great! Well, I'm back at it. 5 years on the good ol' paint crew for Davis Co Schools. This is a picture taken from the roof where we are painting the brown fascia (sp?) brown again. This would certainly be numbered among the "worst" jobs, mostly because it's difficult finding shade on top of a roof! The other pic is by the big bad beasty glass van that we all love to cruise around town in! These are only a few of the crew I work with, more pics to come later! Awesome crew+painting fun=good times...
Posted by katherine purser at 3:02 PM 5 comments
03 June 2008
Month of May Update...
So it's been about a month since I've posted, not because I have nothing to post about, I certainly do. I'm sure I've broken every rule of blogging by posting a mass amount at one time, but if you read one new one a day, you should be done in a little over a week... see for yourself below... This is just a taste of what we've been up to for the month of May...
Posted by katherine purser at 4:18 PM 2 comments