29 February 2008

Ripstickin' at the Mortuary

The sun is shining! It seems as if it's been so long. We love the winter, and really wouldn't mind another big snow storm, however, this change of weather has sure been delightful. We've been aching to get outside and play since the increase in temperature, and today we had a few minutes to do just that. Marc got a ripstick for Christmas and at first I was a bit hesitant, but we love it! We've been riding it in the garage with the vans, limo, and herse (luckily no damage was done when I lost control:). We hear this place is awesome in the summer because there are large grass areas (without headstones) and a lot of roads that are relatively unbusy to rollerblade, bike, jog, or ripstick. Today when Marc was beginning the rounds (the routine of locking up and cleaning up the mortuary at 5:00 when it closes) he called me to come down to the embalming room to see something. I went down there and there was a PINK casket! Not the usual wood ones either, it was like fabric, really soft material with roses and lace on it. I'd never seen anything quite like it! I wanted to take a picture, but I'm not so sure that would've been a very good idea:) They should make caskets more creative like this one more often. Marc and I have a great idea to start a casket rental business, for those of us that don't care how pretty the box is that is under the ground, only for the viewing. Along with this we would offer people to design their casket, like the pink one, or have cool designs carved in the wood...one day we'll be millionaires with our grandiose ideas!


Kyle, Jess, and Max said...

That looks like a lot of fun you guys! We will have to come and try it sometime...kind of scary looking too though. Go California... :) Hey, we will see you later for the BIG party... :)

Natalie said...

You guys are the cooolest! We'll have to come play in your "yard" sometime. Maybe some games like, oh, I don't know....Ghosts in the Graveyard? Think of the possibilities Ü

Alyse said...

That looks fun! And I think not only are you two adorable together, but you're smart too because I think people would dig the rental business! A little morbid sounding at first, but once you get used to the idea--it's great! ha

Steph said...

You guys are so awesome!! I love that you're always doing such fun outdoor, active stuff, I wish we were more like you :) I hope you guys had a ton of fun tonight! Wish we could've been there and we missed you last night at the derby too! :(

The Sayamas said...

It was so fun to see your cute place. Except....we got talking about ghosts on the way home and honestly it was kinda hard to sleep that night! Your place is so cute and cozy and we had a lot of fun! Thanks for having us over!

suds2004 said...

I found your blog! It sounds like you are doing great. I have never tried a Ripstick, you guys made it look easy.


Janica Ellsworth said...

That looks like fun. I would be no good at i am sure, especially being pregnant ;)! When are you guys going to come to provo to see us? We miss you guys. When does emilee have her baby? soon i bet!

Jake & Hillary said...

Katherine here is the website for changing your blog.I hope it makes sense. My sisters blog is jeffandjodywright.blogspot.com and she said you can always comment on her blog if you have questions or you can also comment on mine which is jakeandhillary.blogspot.com and we will be happy to help anyway we can. I hope it makes sense.

Bri and Britt said...

I laughed so hard at your pictures and videos. That is awesome that you guys did that. That'll beat the winter blues away!

micah folsom photography said...

ahh that looks so fun! what.. we live like a hundred feet away from you and you can't even holler over an invite?! i'm just playin. looks fun tho!!